»Japan's online diary.Part 1.
Saturday, 15 September 2012
(Role-playing only)
Hi gu-ok,we should not start with a 'hi guys',I wanted to greet you with something
'special',well,here we go..
It's a pleasure to meet this dearest and beloved creature,I am Japan,(tried to do the most manly and handsome face ever)I..I....
I'm sorry for my 'negativeness',I don't know why I am like this.
Oh,and please forgive me for my awkward English.I am a Japanese...

Ok so..My name is Ki-Kiku Honda.That is my human name.My country name is Nihon(in Japanese) or Japan.Feel free to call me anything you want b-but don't call me bad names!>///<
W-Why I always hear the 'Angry Birds' music in my head..?
A-aahh nevermind!I'm not being sensible -.-''
Dear diary,16/9/12,Saturday.
England-san forced me to wear a maid outfit and here's the result:
Huwwaahh!Who in the world would come to the maid cafe if I wear that! >//////<
(I would come actually XD)
I came to Doitsu-san's(Germany) house today and I saw Italia-kun there.
He wandered there and there,like he is looking for something,so I asked him.
He said he was looking for a broom to help Doitsu-san clean his house.
And then I got bored and left him with Doitsu-san.
Then,I met Russia-san outside,seemed he and Doitsu-san are friends.
He told me a joke.
"Hey,hey Japan~wanna hear a joke?"
I just nodded.
"There was a taxi driver was driving a taxi.His friend told him the way he went was a haunted path.One midnight,he was driving alone-yeah of course,then-he saw a woman with very,very long hair and wears white dress stopped him,so he stopped.After the woman sat,he continued to drove.When the taxi driver asked her where she wanted to go,the woman said GO STRAIGHT in a scary voice.So the taxi driver continued..The taxi driver asked her things,well,talking friendly,but the woman only nod or shook.When they arrived her place,it was a house.It doesn't really look like a house.Suddenly,the purse of the woman fell.When the woman wanted to turn back to pay,the taxi was gone."
"Uwah!Russia-san?What happened?"
I asked,he told me that the driver died in an accident between a lorry and him.
Since that I always shivered like Latvia-kun.
It is not a joke.It is creepy.
All right then,that's all for now.
Buckets of love,
Japan ~

Lovely words @ 09:42 /
leave feelings here ⋄