Saturday, 15 September 2012
Yes,I'm back,PRUSSIA'S HERE!
The beautiful albino with red eyes and soft skin and especially-AWESOME!
*transform -.-"*
Ok,NMJ a.k.a Old Mustache is here.Actually I'm going to change my blog to meingott,but I'm too lazy..And I know someone already took that supremely awesome name.
Ok,lately I'm so free,I just finished my enormously big (LOL) exam-UPSR.
Wait,I want to drink first .o.~
Eh..England,I don't think you should drink -.-
P/S:DO NOT EVER,EVER,EVER DRINK PEEPS,YOU KNOW BEER ISN'T GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH AT ALL-I meant,you'll drunk and so on...*Japan advice hohoho*
End of picture show.The most unimpressive show ever.
So~I made this template and..It's about 12 hours but it's not really awesome like Prussia.
I'll see you later? :D
Japan (Honda Kiku)
Lovely words @ 09:16 /
leave feelings here ⋄